Friday, March 8, 2013

Taking direction (unlike the female Asian driver she is)

Aunt Cookie and E came down to fortify me with sweets, cookies, and sweetness while I recovered. Snort, it was a very easy recovery especially with chocolate-covered marshmallows, snickerdoodles, and jelly beans.  The kiddos played happily and they seem to acknowledge each other more and more these days. E hopped into the Minnie Mouse wagon and Lil' Bit came over at our request to pull him about. They both had big grins.

At one point E "lost" his sippy cup among the large, cushion blocks. When he went searching for it, we first tried pointing out, from our positions on the couch, where it was. And then we asked Lil' Bit to come over and help E find it. We coudn't really keep from giggling as they both roamed around looking for it. Finally Lil' Bit spotted it but instead of grabbing it or pointing it out, she did her Asian-squat while staring directly at it. Like an adorable pointer dog. E found it immediately.

Aunt Cookie and I only mentioned or discussed their marriage about 20 times today.

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